User Waypoints

User Waypoints in ForeFlight allow you to save geographic locations and then view them as named point markers on the Maps view. You can create user waypoints one-by-one in the app itself, or import them in bulk using a CSV or KML file. This support page will outline each method.


Creating User Waypoints in ForeFlight

There are two places in ForeFlight where you can add new user waypoints: the Maps view and the User Waypoints page in More > User Content.

From the Maps View

The Maps view is the best place to create new user waypoints if you know the location of the point you want to save on the map (by looking at the Aerial map layer, for example), but you don't know the coordinates of that point. Tap-hold on the point (place one finger on the map without lifting it) until the "Add to Route" popup appears. The first line of the popup shows the geographic coordinates and ground elevation at that point. Tap "More" to the right of the line and tap "Save". This will bring up the "User Wapoint" popup, allowing you to enter a name (required) and description (optional) for the new waypoint. Tap "Save" in the top right to save the point as a User Waypoint. You can then display the new point by enabling the "User Waypoints" layer on the Maps view.

From the User Waypoints Page

If you know the geographic coordinates of the point you want to add then you can add it from the User Waypoints page in More > User Content. Tap the Plus button in the top right of the page to open the New User Waypoint form. Enter the name (required), description (optional), and lat/long of the point. Acceptable formats for longtitude entry are shown below the form. Tap "Save" in the top right to save the point as a User Waypoint. The User Waypoints page also allows you to edit pre-existing User Waypoints by tapping the blue "i" next to a waypoint. You can view a single user waypoint on the Map without enabling the User Waypoint layer by tapping on a user waypoint in the User Waypoints page.


Importing User Waypoints into ForeFlight

ForeFlight allows you to import your own collection of user waypoints into the app in several ways: as part of a Content Pack, directly using AirDrop from a Mac, directly from email, or using Finder (if your computer is macOS Catalina 10.15 or later) or iTunes (if your computer is macOS/OSX Mojave 10.14 or earler). CSV user waypoint files can only be imported in a Content Pack, or via iTunes/Finder. Note: if you import a waypoint with the same name as an existing waypoint, it will be used to overwrite the existing waypoint.

Creating a New User Waypoints File

Regardless of how you import your collection of user waypoints, you must either create the file or get if from somerwhere else. If getting the file from somewhere else, you can skip this section and move on to importing it. 

Two file formats are supported: CSV and KML. CSV is a simple comma-separated format which can exported from Excel or Google Sheets, or can be created by hand. KML is an XML-based format that can be easily created from programs like Google Earth.

Waypoint names must:

  • Be at least 3 characters long including at least one letter.
  • Be ALL CAPS.
  • Be one word with no spaces.

For example: THE_CABIN is OK, while The Cabin is NOT OK because it includes lower-case and a space.

Additionally, only the first 30-40 characters of the description will be visible, so keeping them short is a good idea. 

Lat/lon values should be in simple numeric decimal-degree format (ie: 34.7 or -81.457, where "negative" Longitude indicates W). No other Lat/Lon formats are supported for bulk importing.

NOTE: The CSV filename must be "user_waypoints.csv" for ForeFlight to recognize and import it successfully.

CSV Example

The CSV file must be organized as follows:

WAYPOINT_NAME,Waypoint description,Lat,Lon

MY_HOUSE,My house,38.1,-79.2
PROPERTY_ALPHA,First house to observe,40.588,-80.1295

If no description is entered, you must indicate the empty description column with "".

ie: ANOTHER,"",39.22,-81.966 

KML Example available:  cms_page_media/148/user_waypoints.kml

Importing User Waypoints in a Content Pack

A user waypoint file can be added to the "navdata" folder in a Content Pack, which can then be imported using AirDrop, Email, hyperlink, linked Cloud Documents drive, or iTunes/Finder.

Importing User Waypoints via AirDrop (KML only)

Importing via AirDrop from a nearby Apple computer is fast and convenient, espeically if a Wi-Fi network is not available. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi must be enabled on both devices for AirDrop to work.

Simply drag a KML file from your computer's Finder into the AirDrop folder, and drop it onto the device that you wish to transfer it to. A popup on the receiving device will ask what app you want to send the imported file to. Tap "ForeFlight", then confirm that you want to import the file contents as user waypoints. The new waypoints will then be added to the User Waypoints page in More > User Content.

Importing User Waypoints via Email (KML only)

Importing user waypoint files via email is also fast and easy, and allows you to send user waypoints files to more than one device at a time.

Step 1: Send the file as an email attchment

Attach your user waypoints KML file to an email and send it to whatever recipient(s) you want to have the file (which may be your own email address).

Step 2: Import the file to ForeFlight

Open the email in the Apple Mail app and tap-hold on the attachment with the name of the file you want to import. After the share modal appears, scroll through the app list in the middle until you reach ForeFlight, then tap "Copy to ForeFlight". This will open ForeFlight and the app will ask whether you want to import it as a User Map Layers file or as a User Waypoints file. After choosing one other the other ForeFlight will add the file to the proper list.

Importing User Waypoints via Finder (macOS Catalina 10.15 or later)

Step 1: Connect your device to your computer

Plug your iPad or iPhone into your computer via the Apple USB cable. 

Step 2: Open Finder

To do this if needed, you can search for Finder by clicking on the desktop background on your Mac and then pressing the spacebar and typing in "Finder". 

Step 3: Click on your iPad or iPhone in the Finder sidebar under "Locations" 

NOTE: If your iPad or iPhone do not appear, open Finder Preferences: Sidebar, and click the box "CDs, DVDs, and iOS Devices":

 (A popup may appear where you can choose to "Trust this iPad" on your Mac and on the iPad you will need to choose "Trust this Computer".)

Step 4. Click on Files

NOTE: If your iPad or iPhone do not appear, open Finder Preferences: Sidebar, and click the box "CDs, DVDs, and iOS Devices". 

Step 5: Drag & Drop the user waypoints file onto the ForeFlight icon

You can do this by dragging and dropping the user waypoint file onto the desktop and dragging it from there into the ForeFlight icon in Finder.  Or you can open a separate Finder window and drag the file from there.  

Step 6: Click on the "Sync" button in the lower-right corner.

Step 7: Launch ForeFlight

After the copying has completed, launch ForeFlight on your iPad or iPhone, then tap More > Custom Content > User Waypoints. ForeFlight will detect the newly added file and ask whether you want to import it as a User Map Layers file or as a User Waypoints file. After choosing one or the other ForeFlight will add the file to the proper list in More > User Content.


Importing User Waypoints via iTunes (macOS/OSX Mojave 10.14 or earlier)

Importing user waypoint files via iTunes is slightly more involved than importing via email, and since it requires a direct USB connection between a computer with the files and the device that the files will be imported to, this method of importing can only be done with one device at a time. The upside of this method is that it can be performed without an internet connection or email access. Currently, .csv user waypoint files can only be imported with this method.

Step 1: Connect your device to iTunes

Plug your iPad or iPhone into your computer via the Apple USB cord. Start iTunes on your computer, or wait for it to automatically start.

Step 2: Click on your device name in iTunes

Inside iTunes, click on the icon for your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch. You will find the device icons at the top of the iTunes screen. Make sure you click on the device that you want to copy procedures to.

If you don't see your device name listed, make sure it is plugged in properly. Try disconnecting the USB cable from both your device and the computer, and then and plugging it in again.

Step 3: Click on 'File Sharing' in the left-side menu for your device.

When the list of apps appears, click on 'ForeFlight'.

Step 4: Drag your user waypoints file into iTunes.

On the right, you will see a listing of 'ForeFlight Documents'. Drag your user waypoints file and drop it onto the 'ForeFlight Documents' table. While the file is copying over to your device, and you will see a brief 'Sync in Progress' message on your device. Then click 'Done'.

Step 4: Launch ForeFlight

After the copying has completed, launch ForeFlight on your iPad or iPhone, then tap More > Custom Content > User Waypoints. ForeFlight will detect the newly added file and ask whether you want to import it as a User Map Layers file or as a User Waypoints file. After choosing one or the other ForeFlight will add the file to the proper list in More > User Content.